Terms of Service

Order Process
Commissions start as "Base Sketches" and end as a "Finalized Order"- (Base Sketch, Finalized Sketch, Color|Shading, Finalized Order)
WIPs will be sent throughout this process, in some cases you will need to approve the WIP before the order can continue

The Base Sketch is the messiest part, making some character details hard to see. If you spot something wrong, can't see an important detail, or I've drawn something wrong, let me know. I'd also suggest to write down your preferences/key details and send them to me before I start working.
Effects such as; glow, fire/smoke, glitching etc. are added at the very end of the order
Finalized Sketch is a fleshed out base sketch, usually colorless. In some cases, I will add hints of color to prevent confusion during the lining stage. The final WIP will need to be approved before the order can move on.
At this point, small changes such as edits to the face, are considered minor and do-able. Major edits that involve erasing large areas to be redrawn will involve an edit fee.
*Prices are discussed and agreed upon. The edit must be paid in order to be fixed

Lineart tends to be the fastest stage, and will also need to be approved before color. Edits made during this stage will be charged. Its recommended- if any changes need be, to keep it small.
Color & Shading will require a clear reference sheet for me to color pick from. Something to remember when approving WIPS: My tablet computer has settings on that apply filters to my screen at a certain time of day. This is to prevent eye strain when I'm working for hours at a time. Don't be alarmed if there is a soft yellow or brown tint to some wip images.
For those worried about color shifting or may want edits to the markings please tell me. I merge color layers, if you need edits to markings after I've done this there is nothing I can do. By letting me know, I can then keep things seperate for those changes.
After approving this stage, I will move to finalizing the piece. This includes adding effects, line color, and the use of textures and filters.
Once this step is complete, I will not make any edits to the piece that require work on different layers like lineart or color. At this stage the piece is completed and ready to be sent out to the client via email, Google Drive folder, or Discord.

Payment Methods & Fees
-Methods such as: Cashapp, Ko-Fi, or Paypal are recommended.
-Split payments are accepted with half paid up front and the rest at an agreed later date.
-I do not do payment plans for orders under $300.
-Characters with complex anatomy, patterns, or large palletes will have a minium $10 complexity fee.
*Amount can be increased
Edit Fees, as discussed earlier, often apply to intense changes to the sketch, lineart, or color layers. Minor Edits refer to small changes like the shape or the characters eyes or changing a smile into a grin. Major Edits require large areas of work to be erased to make room for changes or alter the prior sketch. In some cases the work is so choppy it will need to scraped and redrawn to continue. Things like pose changes, adding, or removing traits are considered Major Edits. Fees can vary in price depending on how big the change, and must be agreed upon in order to continue.

Rush Orders come with an additional fee depending on when the order is placed and when it is due. Keep this in mind before you order, You are allowed to ask for a rush on pre-existing commissions if the due date is within 10 days. If the order is past the sketch phase and it is needed within a day I will not place a rush order tag on it.
Large orders (both consistanting of multiple parts or one large piece) will need a minium of seven days to complete and no less. Just like Edits, the fee amount will need to be discussed and agreed upon before continuing the order.

Time Estimates
Time Is based off: Complexity, Order Size, & Availability.
Characters with intense anatomy, patterns, fades or effects add to the work. Some complex characters or poses may require me to sketch the idea multiple times to get it right- the same applies to color.
Simple commissions like headshots or sketches are considered Short Term, while things like reference sheets and scenes are Long Term. Short Term can take between a day or two, Long Term can be up to 3 weeks unless specified.

I'm normally online (via Discord) from 12pm to 12am PST to respond to messages or provide updates. Tuesdays and Wednesdays I'm online but not available and may not respond immediately. While this is my main source of income, I do have other responsibilities during the day that can push back my work time.
I am diagnosed with a condition that can impair my movement at any point without warning. I will often update my profile status to match my current activity, anything from working on commissions, taking time to myself or to announce emergancies. In extreme cases I will post on my social media and in my discord server.

The best way to get a hold of me is through Discord. I am the most active there and will respond almost immediately if messaged. Twitter and Tumblr are two alternate ways of contacting me, though my responses are going to be very delayed.

- I have the right to use any commissioned work for personal use such as advertisments, gallery images, or posts on social media. When I post online I keep my clients anonymous unless provided a link or name to refer to.
- Do not repost without providing credit. Please link my website or my social media when posting, it is greatly appreciated.
- I do not condone the use of my work in AI Generated images or prompts. Do not commission me for content to use in AI generators, those caught doing so will be blacklisted and a Beware post will be made. Notify me ASAP if you have found someone using my work for any reason without asking me first. I do not allow clients to re-use my work for profit (ie on clothing, or as stickers) without full permission.